Project-based work.
Stavanger2018 was an art project in the public space of Stavanger, launched 15 September 2005 by the artist Trond Hugo Haugen. The aim was to discussed long-term effects and future opportunities for the region of Stavanger after the year as the European Capital of Culture in 2008 through art, debate, dialogue, happenings, parties and campaigns.
The centre of Stavanger2018 activities was the website where interviews, texts and news items was published during the years 2005-2011. All the material was aimed at Norwegian audience and had a welcoming and ironically humoristic tone about the serious content.
With the aim of focussing attention upon long term solutions Stavanger2018 started the campaign KA DÅ ITTEPÅ (What about afterwards).
These three simple words are marketed through 800 free t-shirts and 7000 stickers throughout the region. The marketing has been dramatically successful: Today the saying (in local Stavanger dialect) has become almost synonymous to the project, and, the years after 2008.

STAVANGER2018, 2005/2006
The first phase (2005/2006) of the Stavanger2018 project drew attention to constructive ideas and healthy criticism via the website, as well as entering a dialogue with Stavanger City Council about long term strategy and planning for after 2008.
KA DÅ ITTEPÅ, 2007 + 2008
Debate / happening / party at Tou Scene and Rogaland Kunstsenter. Wall painting at Nytorget 17
The second phase (2007) involved launching the debate on the streets using t-shirts and stickers; these presented a simple query KA DÅ ITTEPÅ (What happens afterwards). This was followed by a two month program of events focused upon open debate at several prestigious arenas.
The third phase (2008) involved a blog in the city’s largest newspaper, Stavanger Aftenblad. During 2008, Stavanger2018 achieved in excess of 100 articles in the media about the project itself, and, articles including the query KA DÅ ITTEPÅ.
Debate / happening / party at Tou Scene.
The fourth phase (2009) began with a big opening party for all the years to come – Åpning av Ittepåland (The opening of the land afterwards) - at Tou Scene on 31 January; exactly one year after the opening ceremony of the Stavanger2008 year of culture. Over 350 people from the culture scene gathered together to talk about the years to come, to see project presentations, to debate and experience the handing out of six borgerbevis (proof of afterwards citizenship) to representatives of leading institutions; the city mayor, newspaper chief editor, managing director and so on. During 2009, Trond Hugo Haugen organized various meetings and continued as a independent critic.
Debate / happening at Tou Scene, Café Sting and Sølvberget Galleri.
The fifth and last phase (2011) was the program DETTE ER ITTEPÅ ITTEPÅ (This is after afterwards) in connection med the local election in 2011, just a few weeks after July 22nd. This was the first election after the European Capital of Culture-years and Stavanger elected a new mayor after sixteen years.

The publication Vi har problem vi må slutte å snakke om about the artproject STAVANGER2018 / KA DÅ ITTEPÅ was launched in 2015 with texts by Johan Harstad, Geir Sverre Braut, Ine Fintland, Hans E. Voktor, Arild Rein, Nils Henrik Asheim, David Karlsson, Gabriel Byström, Geir Haraldseth, Jörgen Svensson, Jan Inge Reilstad og Trond Hugo Haugen.
Please see for more information (site in Norwegian).
Forword by Marte Danielsen Jølbo.
Book design: Ulf Carlsson
Released: kå kå katedralen - Stavanger, 22 May 2015
Edition: 500 with 224 pages
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